Unite to Preserve Our Gemfields Legacy: A Call to Action for Intimate Connections and Sustainable Futures.

Unite to Preserve Our Gemfields Legacy: A Call to Action for Intimate Connections and Sustainable Futures.

Have you heard the rallying cry echoing through the Gemfields? It's a call to protect our heritage, our livelihoods, and the very essence of small-scale mining for sapphires in Central Queensland. As a founder of Evolution Gemstones/The Evans Family Fossickers, I feel compelled to share the urgency and passion fueling our fight against proposed legislative changes that could shatter the foundations of our community.

The next generation of small-scale miners will be effected.

In the words of Queensland Resources Minister Scott Stewart, it's time to weed out the cowboys. While the intention may be valid, the potential consequences loom large over not just the Gemfields but the entire Australian Gemstone industry. The proposed changes could force miners to shutter their operations, leading to a ripple effect that transforms vibrant communities into ghost towns,

Imagine a Gemfields devoid of the passionate hands that carefully extract each precious stone, leaving behind a void where once thrived a unique paddock-to-plate experience. The proposed tenure capping and the obligation to destroy structures on claim transfer threaten the sustainability of small-scale mining, jeopardizing the very soul of our industry. 

Steve hand minesLiz buckets the sapphire bearing wash.
Impacts Beyond the Mines
This isn't just about the gemstones; it's about the intimate connection and journey each gem represents. The proposed changes risk severing the ties between your adornment's origin, family heirlooms, or the next creative masterpiece. The Gemfields tell a story that spans generations, and we're fighting to preserve that narrative.
The possibility of seeing you next creation in its raw state could completely disappear. 
Understanding Tenure Capping
Tenure capping is a potential game-changer that limits the duration a mining claim can be held, putting the future of sustainable small-scale mining at risk. Removing tenure capping is crucial to ensure the longevity and viability of operations, safeguarding the Gemfields for generations to come. 
The Significance of Structure Removal
The proposed requirement to destroy structures on a claim transfer may erase the physical footprint of our industry's history. Each structure holds the echoes of hard work, passion, and dedication. Their removal threatens to erase not just buildings but the tangible link to our past, severing the connection to the hands that shaped our industry.
Taking Action
  • Spread the word: Share the urgency, make our cause known.
  • Sign the petition: Join the movement to safeguard our Gemfields legacy here.
  • Submit to the government: Your voice matters; let them hear it loud and clear here.


As the Gemfields proudly raises the Eureka Stockade flag, a symbol of solidarity, it's time for everyone who values the unique character of our region to stand united. Together, we can ensure that the mining industry in Central Queensland remains a beacon of strength and sustainability for generations to come. Let's make our voices heard, let's preserve our Gemfields. The time to act is now!

What's at stake.Small-scale mining marker.

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